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Blue Mountain Nubians


   Here at Blue Mountain in SE Oklahoma we have been raising registered Nubian  goats for a year.  We have learned alot about goats, but have a great deal more to learn.  We have tried to do it right.  We started with quality goats hoping to get better in the future.  Currently we have 2 milking does and a buck.  Our herd is mostly out of the CopperHill bloodline of goats. 
   My wife milks her goats and makes yogurt, kefir, and cheese.  We also have fresh goat milk to drink.    From time to time we will have kids for sale.  Right now we have 2 doe kids and a buck kid.  On this site you will see photo's and pedigrees.  To contact us, go to contact page and click on the link. 

Dandy Cloud
photo 6/12/04
